You have great physical and emotional changes from day to day and because many things happen in just a few days, we actually realize the importance of time and how fast it passes. We left you last week for a couples trip, for having time just for us but with you in mind… and you know what… in just 1 week; we left you using 3-6 month clothes and now you use 6-9, we left you without walking and now you walk by yourself 6 ft, we left you just smiling when someone said “bravo”, now you move your hands and clap, we left you without saying goodbye and now you move your hand quickly up and down and open and closed when someone says goodbye. And all these time changes are more evident if we have you around. So like in ´68 and the moon, for us today it’s the opposite; it’s a small step for mankind and a humongous step for you… The first of millions of steps that will take you wherever you want to go… so be sure to go to some fantastic places all the time. Keep in mind we love you forever and ever. That´s why we now realize how fast time passes by… because we see every little detail and every little change time provoques. Lov u, Mom