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Gaby, my psychotherapist, told me today that deep in my subconscious lies a great fear about my pregnancy (my life, the people I love and so on and so forth)… and she also told me that getting through the first trimester is in fact a big relief for me.

And even though I´ve been having small bleedings for the first time in a pregnancy, I say to my self I´m calm and valuing my bed rest… Hope its not only a saying but a feeling too.

Anyway, I have not idea or clue if you are a boy or a girl… You´ll be named Antonia or Tomás, like them? I´ve been trying to imagine wich one will it be and do the online test everybody talks about… 50% tell me you´ll be Tomás and the other 50% Antonia… so we´ll let fate decide…

By now, you are perfect, you are an angel, you move yourself all around and make us feel like the most wonderfull and fortunate parents and brother (yes! he knows already!) in the whole world.

Stay happy, calm, enjoy your woumb, we´ll see you at the end of february!